NMC – LIFE Lunch Series features “Legends of Traverse City”
This Life Lunch Series is held monthly on Fridays. Each session provides a casual atmosphere for highlighting people, places, and ideas of intrigue. You will also meet like-minded people and enjoy a buffet lunch. If you prefer, bring a brown bag. Beverages are provided.
You know the typical history of Traverse City — Perry Hannah as the “Father of Traverse City” and Captain Boardman purchasing the land we call Traverse City. But there are many tales and legends that helped shape our city. Join Maddie Lundy, as she guides us through a history of interesting facts and stories of the well- and lesser-known residents that made Traverse City what it is today.
Fri., April 17, Noon–1:30 p.m.
University Center Rm. 215/217
$19 with buffet, Code: 3296
$10 without lunch (bring your own), Code: 3297
LIFE Discount does not apply.
TO REGISTER, CALL (231) 995-1700
Elk Rapids Historical Society & Museum hosts “History of the Elk Rapids Fire Department”

Non-Members: A $5.00 suggested donation for adults,
$2.00 suggested donation for students (under age 18) is requested at the door. Children are free.
For more information contact Dan LeBlond, President, Elk Rapids Area Historical Society;
Tel. 231-264-8984 or send e-mail to president@elkrapidshistory.org.
Visit our website: http://elkrapidshistory.org/ to view a listing of our 2015 meetings and events.
Benzie Area Women’s History Project presents “Herstory: Reflections on Women & Poetry,” a Benzonia Academy Lecture by Karen Anderson
Virginia Woolf said that a woman needed a “room of one’s own” in order to be a serious writer. She has also needed a voice of her own— and the “herstory” of women’s poetry traces the discovery of this room, this voice, this language that is the unique expression of women’s lives. Karen Anderson will reflect on the journey of women poets—sharing poems and ideas and inquiries along the way.
The program will be held Thursday, April 9th, at 4pm, at the Mills Community House, Benzonia.
There is no admission fee for the program but basic donations of $5 or more are gratefully received for the lecture series. Check out our website www.bawhp.org, please call 231-510-1721 with questions. Access to listening devices, interpreter services, or enhanced text is available by texting 231-590-4671.
Presented by The Benzie Area Women’s History Project in collaboration with the Benzie Area Historical Society.